Ed Hughes' 'States of Innocence' to Screen at Depot Cinema

Ed Hughes’s opera States of Innocence based on Milton’s Paradise Lost with a libretto by Peter Cant, premiered at this year’s Brighton Festival, will be screened in a special showing at the Depot Cinema, Lewes, on Tuesday 17 September. Sir John Tomlinson, pictured here as Milton, will be in discussion with Ed Hughes and John Hancorn.

"Hughes's score… sinewy, eclectic and attractive...Consistently fine voices and excellent conducting from Andrew Gourlay … Tim Hopkins' handsome semi-staging, with its video projections (by Ian Winters) of whirling skyscapes, lush vegetation, astrological charts and strikingly beautiful chiaroscuro lighting" - Tim Ashley, Guardian Review

More information about the screening can be found here.

Information obtained from the Liz Webb Production & Management newsletter.