Late Music York's Spring concerts commence

We are happy to announce that our friends Late Music York’s 2025 season begins this Saturday 1st February.  As usual, concerts will take place in the beautiful Unitarian Chapel, 31 St. Saviourgate, York, YO1 8NQ. Late Music write: ‘From Bingen to Bingham! Join us on Saturday 1st February for the first concerts of 2025. At 1pm we’re taking flight with women writing for women as Nia Rhein Passmore and Kate Ledger explore music by female composers from Hildegard Von Bingen to the present day. This is followed by the Bingham String Quartet at 7:30 (with a pre-concert talk at 6:45) taking on Phillip Glass’ fascinating 3rd Quartet, ‘Mishima’ alongside new works by Anthony Adams and Steve Crowther.

Glowing reviews for Lancaster and Jenkins Late Music York premieres, in Musical Opinion

Premieres of works by David Lancaster and NCN composer Hayley Jenkins, performed at the Late Music Concert Series, York, have received superb reviews from Paul Conway, in Musical Opinion’s January-March 2025 issue.  The 2nd November lunchtime recital by pianist Jelena Makarova marked the centenary of Stravinsky’s Piano Sonata and the evening concert was given by the Amabile Clarinet Trio.   

Sadie Harrison Receives Excellent Review for Premiere in Musical Opinion Quarterly Spring 2025

We are delighted that House Composer Sadie Harrison has received a most positive review in Musical Opinion Quarterly Spring 2025, for the premiere of her work The Book of Stars and Sorrows by the fabulous pianist Lauryna Sableviciute. The concert took place on 10 August at Stoller Hall, Manchester, one of several events held during the 23rd Chetham’s International Piano Summer School.  

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