Sadie Harrison’s PASTURE & STORM CD one of ZEIT’s 2023 Highlights

We are delighted that house composer Sadie Harrison has received international recognition with her CD release PASTURE & STORM: New Music for Left Hand Piano & Ensembles (Prima Facie). The disc has been chosen as one of 2023’s CD highlights by ZEIT music critic Hannah Schmidt. 
The booklet notes begin: "When I embarked on the Pasture & Storm Project in early 2020, I could not have envisaged how the world would have changed by the time it was completed in Autumn 2022. The storms of the pandemic and the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban resonated around the world and there is no doubt that the creative trajectory of Pasture & Storm was driven in great part by the consequences of these two overwhelming global events. A UK based project unexpectedly became a collaboration between musicians and artists across the world, celebrating diversity in all its colours and splendour."

The seeds for Pasture & Storm were sown back in 2017 when the young pianist Sophia Benton came for lessons. At school Sophia suffered a netball injury which led to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, eventually leaving her unable to use her right hand. Despite the richness of mid-twentieth century repertoire, we found ourselves having to adapt pieces to broaden her stylistic horizons for conservatoire auditions. (She was subsequently accepted by the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.) Extraordinarily, a few weeks after meeting Sophia, I met two amateur pianists at my local gym, both rehabilitating after having right side affecting strokes, distressed at no longer being able to play. It was a great joy to gift them some small pieces, these eventually becoming part of Pasture & Storm. Of course, a project like this had to involve the inspirational virtuoso disabled pianist Nicholas McCarthy, described as ‘a champion of the dynamic and brave world of left hand alone repertoire’. Although there is a great deal of single hand solo piano music, we both felt that there was a definite lack of chamber music involving disabled pianists and adding to this repertoire became the focus of Pasture & Storm. Nicholas’s  generous acceptance of the project set the 2 year adventure into motion.'

Further reviews:
"A vitally important disc, full of humanity and compassion while remaining uncompromising in its musical delivery.” Colin Clarke, Classical Explorer
"I kiss the earth... The Nightingales of Afghanistan... both significant additions to the relatively uncharted territory of chamber music for left-handed pianists... Stephanie Gilbert provides superb flute solos." Claire Jackson, BBC Music Magazine

"On the evidence of this enterprising and rewarding disc, the discipline of writing within the span of the left hand has produced an especially rich seam of invention in a composer whose scores are consistently evocative and deeply felt.  Highly recommended.” Paul Conway, Musical Opinion

The full recording can be purchased here.