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979-0-57080-116-9 Lo inaudible – full score and parts Available at MusicRoom Buy now (£15.85)


Lo inaudible

Es inaudible,
no podremos saber si las hojas
se acumulan y suenan al encaramarse
la mirona lagartija sobre la hoja.
Nos roza la frente
y creemos que es un pañuelo
que nos está tapando los ojos.
El oro caminaba
después hacia la hoja
y la hoja iba hacia la casa
vacia del otoño, donde lo inaudible
se abrazaba con lo invisible
en un silencioso gesto de júbilo.
Lo inaudible
gustaba del vuelo de las hojas,
reposaba entre el árbol inmóvil 
y el río de móvil memoria.
Mientras lo inaudible lograba
su reino, la casa oscilaba,
pero su interior permanecía intocable.
De pronto, una chispa
se unió a lo inaudible
y comenzó a arder escondido
debajo del sonido facetado del espejo.
La casa recuperó su inmovilidad
y comenzó de nuevo a navegar.

Jose Lezama Lima


The inaudible 

It is inaudible,
we will not be able to know if the leaves
accumulate and rattle as
the peeping lizard on the leaf
It brushes our forehead
and we think it's a handkerchief
that is covering our eyes.
The gold walked
then towards the leaf
and the leaf went towards
the empty house of autumn,
where the inaudible embraced the invisible
in a silent gesture of joy.
The inaudible
liked the flight of leaves,
resting between the immobile tree
and the river of mobile memory.
While the inaudible achieved
its kingdom, the house swayed,
but its interior remained untouchable.
Suddenly, a spark
joined the inaudible
and began to burn hidden
beneath the faceted sound of the mirror.
The house regained its immobility
and began to sail again.

Translated by Hilda Paredes


10 minutes
José Lezama Lima
1 Baritone, 1 Trumpet in B-flat, 1 Trombone, 1 Bass Clarinet in B-flat
Composition date


9 March 2025 OPERA America, 330 7th Ave 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001, United States

World Premiere, featuring Ensemble Loadbang

Adrian Sandi (bass clt), Andy Kozar (tpt), Ty Bouque (baritone), William Lang (tbn)