Naturtöne / Abschied was written for Klangforum Heidelberg in 2008, and is in five short sections:
1. Music, Definition - based on a text of Hyacinth Freiherr von Wieser(Prinzhorn-Sammlung 2427)
2. Musicalia in der Natur?Herzenschtzi komm - based on a combinationof Wilhelm Muller's palimpsest of naturalist diary and upside-down waltz(P-S1096) and Emma Hauck's extraordinary Cy Twombly-like love letters (P-S 3622/4)
3. Naturtone - Hyacinth Freiherr von Weiser (P-S 2427)
4. Partitur - a realisation of Oskar Herzberg's beautifully obsessive, speculative musical notation (P-S 3970)
5. Abschied - a realisation of Hersberg's Abschied-March pour piano (P-S 3988/N) with his apocaliptic text. Erclarung uber Erduntergang(P-S 3943/1
Texts were taken from the Prinzhorn collection of Psychiatric Art. The numbers are catalogue numbers.