Showing 1 - 12 / 108 items

Αίολος - Aeolus

for bass clarinet and string orchestra

Evis Sammoutis 2024

Canções de Trabalho: Work Songs

for voice and orchestra

Score: M-57036-996-6

Parts: M-57036-997-3 (available soon)

Luís Tinoco 2023

Scenes from the Epic of Gilgamesh

for orchestra

Robert Saxton 2023

Ανεμώτις - Anemôtis

for panflute and orchestra

Evis Sammoutis 2023

Brace of Shakes

for orchestra

Jo Kondo 2022


for orchestra

Jo Kondo 2022


for orchestra

Hilda Paredes 2022

Peace for Yodit

for string orchestra

Anthony Gilbert 2020


for orchestra

James Weeks 2020



David Lancaster March 2019

American Nocturnes

wind orchestra

Luís Tinoco 2019

Birdphone functions

for orchestra

Jo Kondo 2019