Showing 1 - 12 / 13 items


Aftaab Meeshavad

for soprano and large ensemble

This work will be available after the premiere.

Hilda Paredes 2025

Miles away

concerto for solo trumpet and large ensemble

Hilda Paredes 2016


solo jazz bass and ensemble


Simon Bainbridge 2015

New Day

solo piano and ensemble

James Weeks 2014

The Fourteenth Terrace

solo E-flat clarinet(=A clarinet), percussion, piano, 2 violins, viola, cello and double bass

Sadie Harrison 2002

Res sonorae

solo oboe, solo viola and 14 instruments

Jo Kondo 2000

Serenata secca con obbligato

solo flute and 13 instruments

Jo Kondo 2000

The Serotinous

solo piano and 9 instruments

Jo Kondo 2000

Concerto for Oboe and Chamber Orchestra

solo oboe and chamber orchestra

Nigel Osborne 1998

Fantasia Op. 114

alto saxophone and 3 instrumental groups 

Elisabeth Lutyens 1996

Kareniana Op.99

solo viola and ensemble

Elisabeth Lutyens 1996

Plenum II Op.92

oboe and ensemble

Elisabeth Lutyens 1996

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